Recently, Two Indian companies featured among the Most Ethical Companies in the world, indeed a very prestigious honour for the India, which holds 67th position in corruption rankings among 150 countries, (Ranked by World Democracy Audit) and striving hard to improve its image among investors. Interestingly both of these ethical companies, Wipro and Tata Power, trust Solus for their security and safety needs, reaffirming Solus’s belief in ethical business practices.
While business ethics may seem like a modern ideal, the history of business ethics is a long and interesting road, beginning during a time when currency was livestock or whatever could be spared from the year’s harvest. And just as the human right to prosper has given birth to the plight of business, the laws and regulations regarding business ethics have originated from that same right, as well. People have a right to flourish, to strive for a better life; and in the 21st century, this means that they can open their wallets with confidence, knowing that the companies they do business with stand behind the products and are capable of securing their customers’ personal information. With a growing problem of cyber threat, the role of business ethics has evolved to accommodate. Those companies, who pay close attention to their ethical practices, secure their future in this technological age. Those who don’t, slip into the kind of oblivion that can only be found in Federal Detention Facilities.
In today’s world, it is more imperative than ever for businesses to have codes of conduct that govern their relationships with customers, employees, and investors. Ethics in business is a social responsibility, paying homage to the idea that “no man is an island” and every action has a reaction. The problem is that many people, who would, under normal circumstances, never be unfair in their personal lives, easily fall into unethical ideologies when in the corporate atmosphere.
Why does this happen?
Because business, in its very nature, is a selfish machine whose success depends on profits. Even start-ups with the best of intentions can dissolve in the cesspool of profit-driven conduct. And sadly, companies that have enjoyed a long-lasting relationship with their customers can forego long-held principles in favour of easy profits in this digital world, when they are not diligently maintaining those practises.
What is often forgotten is how closely related security and its implementations are to business ethics. From Network Security to an on-site physical presence, security precautions are a necessity for preserving your company’s ethical practices. Read on to find ways for improving your company relations through loss reduction, maintaining diligence in business ethics, and bridging the gap between operational effectiveness and ethical responsibilities.
Improving Company Relations through Loss Reduction
The ability of a company to protect itself against theft or property damage is closely connected to business ethics. A business should feel beholden to the customers, employees, and investors to keep the product and services it supplies safe and secure. Maintaining a low level of theft or property loss is essential in keeping the costs of products and services low while promoting quality. Global competition demands that today’s business keep up with the “quality and affordability” motto and one sure way to do this is to reduce loss through a proper security and safety regimen. Regardless of whether you are trying to protect information or a tangible good, choosing the right security service is your best first step to improving company relationships through good business conduct.
Maintaining Diligence in Business Ethics
It is easy to plan procedures and practices that promote a healthy business, but maintaining the diligence of those practices may become too difficult a task as company growth and evolving technologies pile more on the operating plate. Again, this is where a good security expert can help. Security services by a reputable service provider, like Solus, can set minds at ease because the procedures and technologies are fine-tuned and customizable to the company’s specific needs.
For example, Wipro, a consulting and outsourcing giant specializing in global information technology, partnered with Solus for its security needs and now enjoys a much more secure environment in its ten facilities across India. Their customers, employees, and investors are confident in Wipro’s unwavering commitment to excellence in business ethics. In fact, Wipro is recognized by the WME, or the World’s Most Ethical, as going far beyond the minimum requirements and setting precedence in the area of ethical practice. Wipro achieves this by maintaining diligence in the practices and procedures that preserve business ethics. And this is where many companies should enlist the help of security specialists.
Security Bridges the Gap between Operational Effectiveness and Business Ethics
As a company grows, so do its responsibilities, so much so that entire communities can be affected if the operations of that company are suddenly gridlocked. Tata Power services hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. Disruptions in operations-not caused by nature-should be kept to an absolute minimum so that the lives of so many are not disrupted, as well.
Tata Power relies on Solus, with its customizable access controls, along with trained professionals, integrated CCTV systems, and employee management services to keep things running smoothly and efficiently for the company and its customers, which in turn, helps to keep Tata Power ranked high in the Energy category of World’s Most Ethical businesses.
In conclusion, security measures and practices are too important in business ethics to be overlooked. But sadly, many companies may never draw this connection, putting security off in the strive for moral conduct. Other companies may find the task too daunting and in light of technology advancing at incredible speeds, it pays to team up with a company that specializes in smart security, a company that is customizable to the policies and principles that make your company unique. It’s only smart that your security and access control systems be unique, as well. And this begins with an ethically motivated partner, like Solus.
Business ethics have moulded Solus into a company that is service-driven for customer satisfaction. And Solus is dedicated to upholding these core values in every establishment it services, solving many security and access issues for many companies, both large and medium.
To take the worry out of access control and security and to give your company an edge in ethical business practices and policies, Contact Solus and secure your company’s future, today.